Sunday, March 8, 2009

Scripture Study 03.07.09

Well, I started my day off with another Ensign article. Today was a poem. I'll admit, poetry doesn't usually do much for me. It's kind of funny because I love music and typically that is for its lyrics, the lyrics speak powerfully to me. Also, I have a great love for Shakespeare and other well written works. The flowery poetic feel really speaks to me. But for some reason, poetry standing alone is lost on me. Shakespeare's sonnets? Yeah, not my thing. Of course that still doesn't really explain the music thing, since most music really is poetry set to music. I guess I'm just bizarre like that and the music continues to speak to me.

So the poem is entitled "Hand in Hand". It was a rather interesting poem because of the fact it did not focus on anything overly religious (unless I missed it). Rather, this poem was about the love this gentleman had shared for his bride for many years. Every evening they would go round and round a local cul-de-sac talking about each other's days and sorting through problems. It certainly was an endearing poem and it was interesting to see how they would sort through everything. I can't deny this wasn't the best written poem, but I did enjoy the message. It was a nice heartwarming feeling. Certainly that is what I hope for in my own relationship, something that close and open. Those of you who know me pretty well, know that I'm a pretty big fan of honesty, openness, and transparency. I think those are three things in our lives that if we could learn to implement more fully, we would be more happy all around. May the Lord bless us that we can find that sort of communication in all of our relationships.

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